Curriculum Vitae
Time (yearmonthday)/ Exhibition:
Group exhitibion Summersaloon Royal TIME
CBK South East, Amsterdam
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202300830 - 20230616
Group exhibition: 'FromtheInsidetotheOutsideRecycling"
WG Kunst, Amsterdam
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20230910 - 20230205
Group exhibition: 'Groninger Light"
MOW, Museum de Oude Wolden, Bellingwolde
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20220703 - 20220616
Group exhibition: 'Noord nu #2"
The garderner school, Majoor van Swietenlaan 15, Frederiksoord, The Netherlands
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20200315 - 20200426
Group exhibition: 'Free!?'
Pictura, St. Walburgstr. 1, Groningen, The Netherlands
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20191020 - 20191117
Group exhibition: 'LUST(rum) 5 years'
Melklokaal, Heremaweg 20-1, Heerenveen, The Netherlands
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20190720 - 20190818
Group exhibition 'Open Stable 2019'
Oldeberkoop, The Netherlands
20180909 - 20181007
Group exhibition: 'Frisian Milkshake LF2018'
Melklokaal, Heremaweg 20-1, Heerenveen, The Netherlands
Info >>
20180701 - 20180831
Group exhibition: Popinnart
at the erstwhile cinema in Amsterdam East Side, Middenweg 20,
the Netherlands.
Info >>
20180331 - 20180603
Solo exhibition in the Wallhouse #2
part of the Groninger museum, Groningen, the Netherlands
20170217 - 20170409
Solo exhibition with the video 'Contact' (21th Century) reflecting
El Greco's masterpiece (16th Century).
At the New Church (Nieuwe Kerk), Damsquare,
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
20170201 - 20170422
Solo exhibition with the video-installation 'Focus'
In the cella of the CBK (Centre for visual arts) Groningen, the Netherlands
20170309 - 20170323
Joining the group exhibition and discussion about 'Copyrights', organized by autonomous photograper and teacher Andrea Stultiens.
At the Art Academy Minerva, Groningen, the Netherlands.
Winning the Van Lanschot Art Prize 2016
At the New Church (Nieuwe Kerk) in Amsterdam
20161001 - 20160901
Nominated for the Van Lanschot Art Prize 2016
20160517 - 20160616
Solo exhibition with Asylumseeker's pitch
At DUO (The official governmental service for scholarships in the Netherlands), Groningen, the Netherlands.
20160901 - 20161130
Joining the sale with 'It's cold outside' at
Richard ter Borg, Groningen, the Netherlands
20151218 - 20151220
Group exhibition, called 'It's cold outside'
for the WinterWelfareFestival 2015
Peter ter Braak's art trade, Groningen, the Netherlands
20150508 - 20150524
Group exhibition, called 'Ephemerality',
at WG Art, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Info: >>
20150209 - 20150525
Solo exhibition at the public libary of the Groninger Forum,
with a public interview on 20150319
About the project 'Asylumseeker's pitch!'
Solo-presentation with ‘A state of mind’, during a new years event, organized for the civilians in the Martini hall of Groningen, the Netherlands (NL).
20120611 - 20121019
Group exhibition, called ‘Healthy Ageing’,
at the exhibitional space of the UMCG (The Academic Medical Centre of Groningen, the Netherlands). Together with other alumni of the academy of arts, Minerva, Groningen.
2012 the whole summer
Group Exhibition, at the 'Summer exhibition 2012' (Zomerexpo),
at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag (Art museum The Hague, the Netherlands). Info: >>
20120311 - 20120318
Group exhibition, called ‘Where the heart is”.
at the Artcafé (Kunstcafé), Oosterwolde (NL).
20110924 - 20111016
Group exhibition, called ‘HRSNSPNSLS” (The vowels of the Dutch word for 'the figment of the imagination')
at the Oosterhamrik, Groningen (NL), the Netherlands.
20110910 - 20111013
Group exhibition, called ‘Young talents in Groningen in 2011, #2”,
at Gallery North (Gallerie Noord), Groningen, the Netherlands
A Satellite programm of the Noorderlicht Photo Manifestation 2011.
20100703 - 20100708
Group exhibition of the academy of Arts, Minerva, Groningen (NL).
As final exam. Succeeding with photography ('A state of Mind').
20100116 - 20100123
Group exhibition, called ‘Work in progress’
At the ACF (Amsterdam Centre for Photography), Amsterdam (NL)
20081217 - 20081223
Group exhibition, called 'The Outside Light Inside' (BuitenlichtBinnen)
In a historical factory at the Eemskanaal NZ, Groningen,
the Netherlands
That day the, for the sixtysecondsstatementsfestival nominated, videos ‘WIND’ and ‘R&B’ and an interview with Mirjam have been shown in the cinemaroom of the Groninger museum, Groningen (NL).
Nominated with two videos for the one minute movies festival:'the Sixtysecondstatements’ with the videos ‘WIND’ and 'R&B',
at the arthouse-cinema 'Images' in Groningen (NL).
2010 - present
2010 - present
September 2020 - august 2021
Master in education in arts (MA)
Hanzehogeschool, Art academy Groningen, in a joint degree with NHL Stenden and
the Faculty of Arts of the University of Groningen (RUG), the Netherlands.
September 2017 - August 2018
BIK (Visual Artists in the Classroom)
Art education (Post graduate)
AHK, Amsterdam Art Academy, The Netherlands (NL)
March - July 2014
Lessons in making short non fictional and fictional film.
Open Studio, Amsterdam (NL).
September 2013 - may 2014
Journalism (reporting/portraits/columns/essays/investigative).
School for professional Writing, Groningen (NL).
September 2005 - august 2010
Autonomous visual arts (Bachelor)
Minerva, Academy of Arts, Groningen (NL).
October - december 2009
Workshop 'En scene portraits’, coached by Miloushka Bokma,
ACF, Amsterdam Center for Photography, (NL).
November 2008
Lessons in photography: techniques for the advanced
Academy for professional photography (Fotogram),Groningen (NL).
May 2005
Video basics (filming, editing etc.),
Open Studio, Amsterdam (NL)
September 2001 - july 2003
Acting for film and theatre
'De Trap', parttime actingschool Amsterdam (NL).
Working as a videodirector, photograper, journalist and producer
For more info, take a look at the other website, for applied arts, called TAPED >>
May 24th
LKC de Linde, Eenrum (Gr.) in order of the Kunstkerk het Hogeland:
workshops film all day long for grade 3 till 8.
March 21 till April 12
Several Grammar Schools in the municipality of Noordenveld (Drenthe, NL), as part of the culture menu of the Art & Culture Foundation (K&C, Assen):
15 workshops ' I see, I see' for infants (age 5 and 6).
February 21th till 23rd
VHS SINGELLAND (all grades of the VMBO), Drachten (Friesland) in order of the De Lawei, Drachten(NL):
3 workshops 'Mix with media' during their Beating Heart Festival.
October 26th till December 9th
De Lawei, Drachten(NL):
21 workshops 'Action Drawing' given to 21 groups of 8-28 toddlers and children of the 3rd, 4rd and 5th grade of several primary schools (including special primary schools).
June 6th till October 12th:
Art & Culture founding (stichting Kunst & Cultuur, Assen)
'Speeddates' with Internal Culture Coordinators of several primary schools in June, to give answers and possible solutions to their questions and doubts;
19 workshops 'I see, I see' for groups of 18-28 toddlers (pre-school) at seveal primary schools in the Noordenveld Township (Drenthe), from september 6th till october 12th.
Februari till may
Keunstwurk and Film in Friesland(NL):
Developing a training for teachers of a grammar schools in Friesland (pilot) to develope their knowledge and skills towards filmeducation.
OBS Stidalschool Dalerveen(NL):
Searching with teachers for solutions how to integrate photography in their lessons and for all grades of their primary school. And giving two workshops for some inspiration and further thinking.
February 3rd till April 19th
De Lawei, Drachten(NL):
34 workshops made for and given to different levels of 14 grammar schools in Friesland (NL). From 'action drawing' for toddlers till 'Mixed Media' for children of the 3rd and 4th grade.
4 workshops autonomous photography for the 3rd grade VMBO-students (High school)
3 workshops autonomous photography for 4th grade VWO-students (High School).
3 Workshops 'autonomous photography' given in the Englisch language for 4th year college students in the Netherlands and Spain (International programm of the Gomarus College in Drachten).
De Lawei, Drachten(NL):
16 workshops 'autonomous photography' and 4 workshops 'Mixed Media' during the 'Get to know art days' to 1th, 2nd and 3rd year students of the VHS Singelland college in Drachten (NL).
ICO Assen (NL):
Explaining a game (10 times) with a green screen-tool to High School students, during Start2Play at podium Zuidhaege in Assen and motivating and supporting the students during the game. That day ICO Assen organized serveral plays to help students to recognize the influence of image manipulation nowadays to therewith improve their media wisdom.
November 5th:
Lawei, Drachten (NL):
5 workshops Photography during the Day of Arts, organized by the Lawei, for 5 groups with 19-26 Pedagogy students.
September - november
Artpoint (Kunstpunt) Groningen (NL):
a presentation on a high school (Kamerlingh Onnes) in Groningen about the amazing artwork 'Wervel' from Nicky Assmann
8 short presentations at Forum Groningen about the amazing artwork 'Wervel' from Nicky Assmann for 8 groups of 15-21 students of several high schools
4 guided tours in the neighbourhood of ArtPoint (Kunstpunt) Groningen, for 4 groups of 15-18 students comming from several high schools. To observe statues and other 3D artworks in the city precisely and having conversations about it.
August - november
DAF Assen & Gieten (NL):
4 workshops "create your own after effects" for children age 7-12
2 workshops "stop motion' for children age 9-12
August 4th
Art sense (kunstkriebels) Biotoop Haren (NL):
a workshop Mixed Media Art for Children age 7 - 11
June - July
De Lawei, Drachten
Helping out the teacher and the children of group 8 of the O.D.S. Finneblom in Boornbergum making and finishing the farewell movie (filming, directing and editing)
Artpoint (Kunstpunt) Groningen (NL):
Designing a new guided tour and theme for VMBO (High School) students, year 2&3.
March - may
Art & Culture (K&C) Assen - Groningen (NL):
35 Workshops "Photography, art and perspective" for children, group 1&2, from all (19) grammar schools in the Noordenveld municipality.
February - march
The art departement of the Public Libary of Hoogeveen (NL):
17 workshops "Mixed Media Art" for children, group 3&4, 5&6 and 7.
October and november
Artpoint (Kunstpunt) Groningen (NL) in collaboration with NorthernLight (Noorderlicht)
Designing and presenting interactive guided tours, observing photo and video installations of artists who were joining the Noorderlicht Photomanifestation 2019 (Theme: TAXED TO THE MAX). Designed for children age 12-20.
April and october
At K38, Roden (NL)
6 lessons The basic techniques of photography for adults.
Artpoint (Kunstpunt) Groningen (NL)
Researching the pilot 'Art in the underground' at the Montessori Lyceum (highschool) in Groningen. After that Mirjam has rewritten the art educative programm and guide for this level.
Februari 5th - mid april
Artpoint (Kunstpunt) in collaboration with Forum Groningen (NL)
Starting the Kick Off of the pilot 'Art in the underground' for students of the Montessori Lyceum (highschool) in Groningen. Teaching and inspiring them to design a 3D artwork, performance or statue for public space. Inspired by the amazing 3D artwork, called Wervel by Nicky Assmann, on show at the parking lot (in the underground), of the Groninger Forum.
January 20th
De Lawei, Drachten (NL)
creating workshops Mixed Media, this time using food as one of the most important media, as these workshops were created for students of the hotel and catering industry. For a short impression, click: >>
During the school holidays in 2019
Groninger museum (NL)
Workshops 'looking at art' and 'drawing with light' (photograpy) for children of the junior club and other young visitors of the museum, age 7 - 12. Adapted to the exhibiton of the American Photographer David LaChapelle. Half a year later Mirjam adapted the workshops to the exhibition of the America glass artist Chihuly. For an impression, click: >>
April and may
De Nassauschool (grammarschool) Groningen (NL)
Designing and presenting Interactive workshops for all levels of the school (group 1 - 8), inspired by the famous abstract expressionistic painting, the Victory Boogie Woogie of Piet Mondrian and his art movement, the Style. Finishing with an exhibition, with presentations from all classrooms of the school. The exhibition was called: ”In style”.
March, 20th
OBS (grammarschool) de Uilenburcht in Beerta (NL):
Workshops stop motion for 13 teachers of several schools in the Oldambt municipality. That way they were able to give workshops themselves to their students.
January - march
K&C Groningen Assen (NL):
Workshops 'Looking at abstract art and perspective" for children of 35 groups 1&2 at 19 grammar schools in the Noordenveld municipality. Inspired by and based on the famous abstract expressionistic painting: Victory Boogie Woogie by Piet Mondrian and his art movement The Style.
Autumn and winter 2017 and spring 2018
Several Grammar schools: OBS de Uilenburcht in Beerta, OBS de Petteflet in Groningen and CBS de Spreng in Drachten (NL):
During her post graduate at Art Academy Amsterdam, Mirjam found out how to design workshops art education for children in a playfull way. She started some pilots as a trainee at the several schools mentioned above. From mixed-media workshops till workshops stop motion, filmacting and filmmaking.
Wallhouse #2, Groningen (NL):
A lecture about 'love for the city'. In this case New York City - where Mirjam worked and lived for one year - related to the abstract expressionistic painting, the 'Victory Boogie Woogie' of Piet Mondrian. And how several cities and this painting inspired her to make the video 'contact'. Mirjam also explained how this famous painting and an essay of Wassily Kadinsky inspired her to help children looking at abstract art.
March, 26th
Art gang (Kunstbende), Simplon, Groningen (NL):
Mirjam was invited as a member of the jury, for the category Film, during 'the Art Gang' (kunstbende), an art festival to inspire children age 13 - 18 making visual art, cabaret, music or film.
September - december
Artgallery Peter ter Braak, Groningen (NL):
Together with Peter ter Braak, Art Trader in Groningen, Mirjam organised a Pop Up weekend exhibition, called 'It's cold outside’, during Winter Welfare 2015 in Groningen. For this exhibition she invited 12 other professional visual artist living and/or working in Groningen, to join her in this exhibition.
Autumn and winter
About Props and Grips, Groningen (NL):
Organizing meetings for filmmakers working and/or living in Groningen. For each meeting a filmmaker was invited to give a lecture about his or her work.
Media wisdom
Mirjam Offringa, Groningen (NL):
A research about how a perception of asylum seekers can change, if you meet them personally, instead of staring at them at the news. Therefore Mirjam visited two AZC's (Asylum seekers' centres) to meet several asylum seekers' from different nationalities. A few of them were asked to join her in her new project ‘asylum seekers’ pitch’. She finally photographed people from Afghanistan, Syria, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Servia and Vietnam. They now are part of her workshop letting youth think about prejudice and making them aware of 'media wisdom'. For an impression: >>
HRSNSPNSLS, Groningen (NL):
For herself and 11 other visual artist Mirjam organized an exhibition called “HRSNSPNSLS” at the Oosterhamrikkade 5a in Groningen. The exhitibtion was on show from september till the end of october. Receiving more then 200 visitors at the opening, with a spectacular food performance by artist Lia Brouwer.
spring 2006
Academy of Arts, Groningen (NL):
Art teacher and mentor of the academy of arts, Minerva, Groningen, Bernadet ten Hove, invited Mirjam to join her and her colleques (Tjibbe Hooghiemstra and Liesbeth Grotenhuis) as member of the panel. To help them select new students, during the evening of admission, for the new school year 2006-2007.
SINCE 2004
For several productions for film and commercials in Amsterdam and Groningen (NL):
Working as a scout and producer for Strawberryfields and LastTuesday and as an assistant of director Joost de Smeth in Groningen since 2008, but also as an assistant of casting director Olaf Kitseroo Casting in Amsterdam in 2004 and 2005. Organizing and guiding large groups of extra's (50-100 extra's) behind the scenes for films, Tv and commercials, in Amsterdam.